Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Pope Backs Climate Change Reduction Efforts

While nothing is completely set in stone, this could be considered a victory. The Pope had met with Scientists, Political Leaders, and the UN, and has passed a message along stating that Climate Change is approaching fast and a collective action is required. It is a big step forward, especially since the Republican Conservatives often default to religion, the same religion the Pope represents, as an excuse or reason to be conservative.

Politics and Science have collided in a mash up that tests human communication and the ability to see the truth and accept responsibility for their actions as a whole species. To know that UN leaders and that the Pope too now agree that Climate Changes is mostly the result of human activity and that a collective action among them all needs to be implemented to help save the beauty and nature of the planet, is almost reassuring.

 I've never been immersed in religion or politics. I have my faith, my beliefs, and my values, but mostly I believe in the facts of the world around me, and I can see and feel the changes and it is not too hard to see that many changes are human impacts on the world. I have lost a lot of hope in the past ten years, thinking that the voice of the planet and the natural world is lost in the roar of politicians and religious fanatics scrambling for power and money and domination. To see that a huge leap has been taken by both political and religious leaders restores some of that hope, enough for me to keep fighting and raising awareness. It is not too late to make a positive impact, to restore some of what has been altered, to save this beautiful world we call home and coexist with the natural environments and ecosystems that are home to the trees, the plants, the birds, the fish, the whales, the elephants, the gorillas, and all other lifeforms out there.

There is still time for us to share our world with the other inhabitants here, and to prevent further damage to their homes. Restoring the damage done by Climate Change is not only beneficial to our world, but for what some people need to hear, it is beneficial to humans too. There is a lot humans would have to face if large species started going extinct, or if plants were dying faster than they could
Baby Corn Snake 
grow. Climate change is a global effect, so trying to reverse it is a global help! Just because political and religious leaders are starting to stand up and say it is time to change and help with the problem we have mostly contributed to, doesn't mean change will come quickly, but it is a start, and it could be what we all need to work together as a species rather than fight each other.

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